Shawn B, youre an idiot.i figured you'd post because I actually do search the forums and have noticed your wanna be internet bully style.
You are the one that started with the pity-party and whining. Lambasting folks for their reading comprehension. Now you are stooping to lame personal attacks and insults?
Wanna be internet bully? Nope, just me being me.
No one cares about your opinion.
You may not care about my opinion but speak for yourself Chuckles. Further, when you open a thread, you are asking for opinions and everyone gets to chime-in. That is how forums work.
This thread might as well be closed because nothing productive will come of it. just from what I perceive to be pointless internet bickering.
Again with your pity-party. That and your defensive bullshit is what caught my attention in the first place. Let me repeat, I'd have ignored this thread without you, yes you, and your whiny, defensive attitude.
"I didn't get the exact responses I wanted, everybody is reading comprehension challenged, just close the thread."
The wheels will be installed and if I dont like them then I have other wheels that will be. maybe I'll post pictures for reference for future information seekers. we'll see......
Do your thing. Knock yourself out. Whatever makes you happy.
Who comes up with this follow fashion crap. All most souunds like girls with their clothing.
1 guy decides to run 15s and then everyone else does it.
I have 17s on my B13 and they look great. I like 18s on a B14 but it is not for me I would stick with 17s also.
Dre, it has nothing to do with fashion. It has everything to do with performance.
At the same time, everybody makes concessions and compromises when building a performance-oriented street ride. Some for aesthetics (big wheels), some for budget, some to be different, some just for the helluva it.
Last edited by Shawn B
on 2012-04-30
at 20-23-31.