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Thread: Sentra Se-l Tire PSI

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2011-01-02 00:35:55
Sentra Se-l Tire PSI
Hey guys,

I just went in to the store and got four brand spanking new tires on my 1999 Nissan sentra se-L. They made a huuuggggeeee difference, but i was wondering what is the best psi for the Sentra. I was thinking something a long the lines of 33/29? Front/Rear.

Any Ideas?
2011-01-02 00:40:39
Look inside the door right by the catch
2011-01-02 01:01:15
Best for what?
2011-01-02 01:12:32
I'm guessing he means DD.

On street tires I'd run at factory specifications, definitely wouldn't change psi between wheels...
2011-01-02 01:21:48
I usually run mine at 35 to 38 psi.
2011-01-02 17:43:40
Originally Posted by xCONWRATHx
Best for what?


Lots of variables to consider before answers can be given.

intended use?
tire being used?
weather conditions?
longevity of tire important?
ride quality important?
stock alignment settings?
2011-01-06 18:14:44
i do mine 32
2011-07-28 08:07:26
2011-07-29 17:33:19
i do somewhere around 35-36
2011-08-22 19:24:56
34 front 32 rear
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