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Thread: Hi, folks! 2002 se-r owner!

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2010-12-23 01:32:15
Hi, folks! 2002 se-r owner!
Well, I guess I should put this here.. wasn't sure where else it would go. lol

I'm the new owner of a 2002 Sentra se-r shell. I picked it up as a project to have fun with.

After a bit of deliberation, I think I'm going to wind up going with an sr20ve instead of the qr25de that was supposed to go in the car.

Now, I don't know how many times this swap has been done for a post-"SE" car... I imagine I'm going to need (in addition to the motor itself) the se harness, ecu and possibly gauge cluster? Then, the obvious mounts / whatnot.

I do have a qr 6-speed transmission as well.

Any feedback / pointers / backhanded slaps, send them my way. All appreciated! Thank you!
2010-12-23 02:03:25
Oh damn!

more spec v guys, they'll let anyone in here. tsk tsk
2010-12-23 06:47:09

Had the spec already.. done with that!
2010-12-23 14:22:32
No fair, I cant ban you here.........
2010-12-23 16:24:15
Well to be honest.... this is an Sr20 forum for Sr20 powered cars... Yet you have a Se-r shell but plan on putting a Sr20VE in it. So I guess you coooooullllddd stay . But it's a toss up.
2010-12-23 17:18:24
haha, what if I promise to be good?

99% sure it's getting a ve. That has to count for something! You know, eventually getting an sr. lol

red91sr and I are survivors of the qr25 and the forums that surround it. Suffice to say, I've gotten a little bit of the "well, why don't you put the motor that was meant to be in the car back in the car?"

I've seen plenty of people try to "build" a qr. 9/10 it doesn't turn out well and costs some coin, not really yielding the most desired results. Not saying it can't be done.. just not really willing to screw with that.

So, sr it is
2010-12-23 20:05:30
Motor that can make real power and not be a candyass truck motor in the process is always a good idea..........

Oh how the QR nutswingers will cry!
2010-12-23 23:33:36
You can do a VQ swap, you have the perfect car for it, it will make more power and torque than a built VE.

What will you be using the car for?
2010-12-24 00:22:36
do a VQ swap Greg, I know the perfect guy to do it to!!!

Hope you got 18 months to kill with no car and dont mind
your wallet being 5k lighter. Or broken motor mounts, or a
resistor wired in to kill your CEL, or..........

Do the VE homeslice. If you want TQ or want to beat on a certain
black VQ swapped monStar spik 5 well you have a box full of devil sauce
items that some jackass sold you a while back.
2010-12-24 04:25:37
"I've made my money, and I build whatever I want, at whatever pace I want.<<<< yes this really happened!!"

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