What exactly do you like about those wheels? If you let us know we might have better suggestions.
Is it because they are black?
The red pinstripe?
The 5-spoke look?
The thick spokes?
The flatness of the spokes?
The way the spokes get fatter as they go out?
The price?
The size and dimensions?
The weight?
The build quality?
Size, weight, the red pinstripe, I like the 5 spoke look but I could go with a few more if I saw a set that I like better, the quality, the price is a bit up there but I do like them.

To get real technical you might want to make sure those Motegi wheels (Please stop calling them "rims", they are wheels. They aren't mags either unless they are wheels made of magnesium.) have the correct or at least larger hub bore than 59mm so they will fit over your hubs.
(One other thing. Calling it "up sizing" is really a newbie thing. You can stop that too.)
I'm pretty sure I only mention mags when I was speaking of my stock wheels, which are infact mags, and I will stop calling it plus sizing although I am pretty sure that is the correct terminology.