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Thread: 4x100 Nissan wheels to fit over AD22VF

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2016-07-27 16:08:43
I had Nissan Cube wheels on my g20 so they are 4x114.3.. lol

BUT I'm going to go see if I can find any markings on my 15" SER wheels off my former 96 200sx SE-R because I thought they were 15x6 myself
Last edited by Chris101 on 2016-07-27 at 16-09-45.
2016-07-27 16:18:28
I just 100% confirmed my SE-R 200sx wheels are 15x6... no way the 205 50 15s would fit like this if they were 15x5.5 (I am pretty sure the 14s are 14x5.5 though)

Anyway, here is my 15x6 SER proof:

Originally Posted by jimbo_se-r
I've found a few sites that list wheel information. But there seem to be some minor discrepancies in the widths listed:

This site has the 200SX 2.0 '95) as 15x5.5, and not 15x6
Nissan - Wheels specs & Tire catalogue dimensions for all Nissan models - Wheel-Size.com

This site claims that the B13 wheel was 14x6, but is actually 14x5.5, also claims that 200SX SE-R was 15x5.5 and not 15x6:
Bolt pattern | Stud Pattern : Nissan Bolt patterns

That 2nd site is handy simply because it gives a fairly complete list of cars all on one page, and it looks like the only 4x100 bolt pattern cars are the '87-99 Sentra models, the NX, and '95-97 200SX. And no Infiniti models as mentioned above have a 4x100 pattern. Not the answer I was looking for, but it answers the question.
2016-07-27 16:45:26
Originally Posted by jimbo_se-r
I've found a few sites that list wheel information. But there seem to be some minor discrepancies in the widths listed:

This site has the 200SX 2.0 '95) as 15x5.5, and not 15x6
Nissan - Wheels specs & Tire catalogue dimensions for all Nissan models - Wheel-Size.com

This site claims that the B13 wheel was 14x6, but is actually 14x5.5, also claims that 200SX SE-R was 15x5.5 and not 15x6:
Bolt pattern | Stud Pattern : Nissan Bolt patterns

That 2nd site is handy simply because it gives a fairly complete list of cars all on one page, and it looks like the only 4x100 bolt pattern cars are the '87-99 Sentra models, the NX, and '95-97 200SX. And no Infiniti models as mentioned above have a 4x100 pattern. Not the answer I was looking for, but it answers the question.

Use the FSM. GI section (General Information) Wheels & Tires

B13 14x5.5 (4x100 bolt pattern)
B13 NX is 14x6 (4x100 bolt pattern)
B14 is 15x6 (4x100 bolt pattern)

B15 is 16x6 (4x114.3 bolt pattern)
Last edited by Kyle on 2016-07-27 at 16-50-16.
2016-07-27 16:49:34
Originally Posted by Kyle

Use the FSM.

^ even the FSM has been wrong plenty of times (often wrong about torque values we found out the hard way anyway)

--- probably wrong from translation from Japanese to English is my guess anyway... lol
2016-07-27 20:05:21
Originally Posted by Chris101
Originally Posted by Kyle

Use the FSM.

^ even the FSM has been wrong plenty of times (often wrong about torque values we found out the hard way anyway)

--- probably wrong from translation from Japanese to English is my guess anyway... lol

Have any examples of the incorrect torque values?

The internet has the title when it comes to misinformation vs the Nissan printed FSM. Most of those are as you said, mis-type, mis-spell, or lost in translation.
2016-07-27 20:07:26
The Torque on I don't remember exactly what model year was wrong for torque on the cams for the head (kept breaking bolts into the head from overtightening)... finally went to a different model FSM to realize it was wrong in what we had. (should be lbs per sq inch)
2016-07-27 21:20:27
Originally Posted by Chris101
The Torque on I don't remember exactly what model year was wrong for torque on the cams for the head (kept breaking bolts into the head from overtightening)... finally went to a different model FSM to realize it was wrong in what we had. (should be lbs per sq inch)

Do you mean inch pounds vs foot pounds? Foot pounds will destroy those bolts, they are the most broken bolt probably of the inside of any of those SR20 engines. That's unfortunate, and I would be interested in knowing which model it was. I will delve into the electronically hosted FSM sometime to see if I can un-earth that difference. Thank you.
2016-07-27 21:21:01
I'm going to see if I can score some B14 15x6 wheels at the local salvage yard next time I get out there, aluminum wheels sell for $25 with $10 core, and tires are dirt cheap also. Now I've got my list narrowed down on what I need to look for.
2016-07-27 23:17:08
Kyle, yes foot lbs instead of inch pounds was the error.

Jimbo_s-er, good luck on the search!
2016-07-27 23:41:06
Also you need to trim/cut the dust shield on the B13 when converting to AD22's
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