Revisiting power windows on a B13
I'm considering doing power windows again on my B13 now that I have one again. My last 4 cars had power windows and I got a bit spoiled Last time I did it was about 13 years ago, so the swapping over 4dr B13 window regulator/motor is a bit hazy.
After looking back at my original thread on the install, I remember now you have to swap over the cable from the manual window regulator to the power window regulator, and a 22mm section of the cable jacket needs to be cut away in order for it to fit.
Here's a couple of links from the past:
Power windows in a classic (pics) - SR20 Forum
And the original website where someone else did this conversion is long gone, but it's still available through the wayback machine, even though most of the pics don't load up, the write up can get you through it.
Last time I did this I used the 200SX window switch, and cut a hole in my door panel.
This time around, I think I'll go with some Spal switches mounted on the NX armrest similar to the P10.
After looking back at my original thread on the install, I remember now you have to swap over the cable from the manual window regulator to the power window regulator, and a 22mm section of the cable jacket needs to be cut away in order for it to fit.
Here's a couple of links from the past:
Power windows in a classic (pics) - SR20 Forum
And the original website where someone else did this conversion is long gone, but it's still available through the wayback machine, even though most of the pics don't load up, the write up can get you through it.
Last time I did this I used the 200SX window switch, and cut a hole in my door panel.
This time around, I think I'll go with some Spal switches mounted on the NX armrest similar to the P10.