Originally Posted by
^ technically still not 'bone stock' I've watched plenty of shows that talk about 'stock and it all matters (down to the darn tires in some cases like with an old Ferrari)
Short of the stolen original wheels and tires(yeah, that still gripes my ass).....

Interesting thread though. Kind of surprised at some of the low opinions by the faithful. Good to speculate, and time has away of surprising us all. I'm not looking to get rich off of mine down the road, that's for sure, but you just never really know. Could be reasonably valuable for what it is, or it could just fade away to a silent death. I really think it has a lot has to do with the fact it's a Nissan. Even the more popular models have always been a "cult" car to a certain degree. Someone in a another thread said "I would sell ANY Sentra for $5000", I disagree.....