Originally Posted by
TheShawn, your inability to see the condescension in your previous posts borders on willful denial.
You inability to see how lame your claimed search was, or your searching capabilities are, borders on willful denial.

Originally Posted by
TheDon't assume I didn't search, however. Searches were simply leading down too many forking paths for applications that didn't match my own. Overload. This worked better.
How is it that I found your answers in 0.03 seconds with the ultra-tricky, super secret code word of "mounts"?
My assumption is based upon your either lying about searching, or being piss poor at it. I chose to give you benefit of the doubt and went with the latter.

Originally Posted by
TheAnyone who claims they're providing the boon of 'teaching someone how to fish' when that person merely asked for a hamburger and further insists it's for their own good is cloaking themselves in self righteousness.
Anyone who claims to have fruitlessly searched on the topic of "mounts" is cloaking themselves in bullshit.

Originally Posted by
TheThe so-called 'humor' you draped over the whole affair was barely more than a smoke screen that allows you to tell yourself the story that you've given a poor, confused 'young man', as you call me, an important life lesson. And what's more, it wasn't even remotely funny. I'm not sure which is the greater crime, tell the truth
The forced humor was my attempt at biting my tongue. It was only as strained as my patience. Neither of which is my forte or strong-suit.
I could give a flying rats ass about giving you a life lesson, you're not worth my time. However, a lesson about how this forum works, where to find and how to utilize a search function, you betcha.

Originally Posted by
TheYou have no idea how old I am. You know nothing of my level of competence or 'intelligence'. I'm fairly certain your estimates on both counts are wildly incorrect.
I don't really care how old you are, however I am guessing that I am easily old enough to be your father
youngster. I judged your intelligence by the well-written coherence of your posts, and I judged it correctly. It was never in question, until you decided to tell me how to respond to your inquiry. Which was both pompous and asinine.

Originally Posted by
TheMy level response to your first chiding was heavily tempered by the fact that you did offer some useful advice along with your head-patting. By your second post I had to literally bite my tongue to keep my extremely diplomatic response from devolving into a hair-raising verbal vivisection. That was me being polite. You'll find that it's not really my nature.
My level and helpful response to your first inept post was
heavily tempered by the fact that you are new to the site. Diplomacy is less than second nature for me, it is a forced and concerted effort. I do my best. I'm much more happy when eviscerating deserving jackasses, merely for the fun of it. You now qualify.
Nor is being polite my nature Cowboy, not by a long shot. You would shit yourself if you
really understood my true nature. I bit my tongue as well. Your noob inquiry was because you are too damn lazy to search, or you don't have a clue how to do so. Now we know it's the former.
Trying to scare or intimidate me because you might devolve into a "hair raising vivisection"
Mr. Villain would actually be funny if it wasn't both so pathetic and self-aggrandizing.

Originally Posted by
TheI may be new to this particular board but there are several of which I am considered an elder. And as many times as I've seen new users post commonly asked questions I have never once trotted out the old "Learn to use the search function" line that does little to either help or entertain anybody. I either respond or I don't. You are, of course, under no obligation to behave as I do, and if you want to waste your breath cursing in binary at someone who dared question your so-called 'help', well naturally that's your prerogative.
I don't give a shit what
you do on other forums, I don't even care what other "elder" folks do on this forum. Never been one to follow the crowd, rather the opposite. Nor do I care whether you are held in high-esteem over yonder. Congratulations. On
this forum you're just another bumbling noob until you quit acting like one.
I was in fact being nice, close as I get. In my first post. After that, I was also holding my tongue hot-shot. Apparently we were both biting back our responses, the irony rather priceless. If you're an "elder", then you should damn well know how forums are run. The same-old tired-ass questions, because someone who is an "elder" cannot find a fucking search button or use it correctly is hysterical.

Originally Posted by
TheBut don't for one second pretend you're being a nice guy. I'm an evil son of a bitch myself, and I can smell one of my own kind
Evil son-of-a-bitch, guilty as charged. That was never in question, it was my self-definition for more than a few decades. Hell, I might quote you as my new signature.

Originally Posted by
TheAnd as for the claim you fly on your signature that you're a 'verbal mercenary' - a claim with which you obviously agree - I have to say I've been unimpressed with the level of your discourse. I suspect something closer to the truth is that you simply enjoy hearing yourself talk. Or write, as it were. If you guessed that I likewise labor under a similar affliction you'd be correct, but I'm quite certain I do it a damn sight better than you.
Verbal mercenary is one of the nicer things I have been called by those that know me well.
I'm unimpressed that you are unimpressed. Impressing you, or anybody else, is not real high on my list of priorities. Best of luck, Hotshot. I'll be more than happy to throw down with you intellectually or verbally any time. Now seems particularly ideal.

Originally Posted by
TheAnd pr20de -- I'll forgive you for not realizing that a rough time is exactly the sort of thing I seek out, and start when I can't find it. After all, you don't know me yet. But they don't call me The Villain for nothing.
Gee golly, The Villian. I'd be quaking in my booties noob, except that I naturally gravitate towards trouble and a rough time because I like it. Like a pitbull on a ribeye. Get your shit together and learn to find the search button jackass, instead arguing with me about it, telling me what you would do, or attempting to impress me with your evil and scawey moniker. The Villian, holy-moly I better go run and hide.
Shawn B