I ran a hose down the filler neck just like has been done since the beginning of time. However, I have to say, don't use your lungs to start the siphon. Or if you do, be extremely careful not to get any gasoline in your mouth or really any vapors in your lungs. Obviously I was being a tool, but I ended up breathing in some fumes and possibly swallowing a little bit of gasoline. (I was coughing a lot.) For weeks afterward I would burp and it would burn and smell/taste like gasoline. I thought it would never stop.
Use a hand pump to get the flow started.
If you want, you could pull the feed line hose since you have access under the seat, and attach a new hose and run that out to a bucket. Or just unhook the other end of the feed hose from the hard-line under the car and put a bucket under it. Then apply 12V to the pump and watch the fuel just pump out. In hind sight that sounds like the best idea ever. You could always turn the key on and off in the ignition to cycle the 2-second priming mode of the pump if you're ultra lazy.
Last edited by BenFenner
on 2011-05-12
at 20-09-44.