Went to local pick and pull and replaced my hood lip seal, hood bumpers (no more rattle), my glove box half moon arms, my dome light.... little details take the car that much closer to original.....sure wish I could find a scrapped SE-R in the area. My sunroof leaks like no ones business and I just want to remove it and have it filled in.
99% of the time when a sunroof leaks it's clogged drain holes. Even when the roof is closed water will get between the glass and the roof surrounding it - but that's why the drains are there.
I just went though this with my car. A few small Live Oak leaves were stuck in there and during heavy rain it would leak.
Also, check to make sure the drain tubes haven't been obstructed.
Time to get up there with a hose and test out the drains.
The glass has separated from the seal and a couple parts that are responsible for pushing the sunroof up and flush with the roof are broken....lost cause, I just want it out
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I am so glad I only had 1 B13 out of all 8 of them with a sunroof. and it was sealed shut from the previous owner.
When I first got the car was like "yeaaah, a sunroof" now I'm like "what a pain in my a$$"
And to think, I had an aftermarket sunroof put into mine! (What? I was 18 and stupid at the time I did that back in 1993) I'd like to seal mine back up too. However, if I had a power roof I'd keep it. I constantly have the roof open in my DD. It was open all afternoon today. 75 and sunny, how could I not have.