Went to change my headlight bulbs to Phillips Xtreme bulbs and drill a couple holes in my license plate so I could install it correctly. Already had the correct stainless screws and some rubber washers.
Figured out the battery and the overflow tank had to be moved to access the lamps. Could not get to the bolts to get the aftermarket overflow tank out of the way without removing the windshield washer bottle. No, I did not realize the neck actually removed. That would be too easy. So I unbolted the tank from the wheel well. Which was not good, because now the tank was stuck under the car with no way to get it out. So I removed a bolt at the corner of the bumper at the wheelwell to see if I could get a little more room to wiggle-out that tank. No go. Figured I'd jack up the car, no jack in the trunk. In my 900 square foot shed. Somewhere. Grabbed two hunks of two-by-tens. Positioned them under the wheels and drove up onto them. Now the overflow tank was jammed between the lower control arm and the dirt. Yanked it out. Followed and removed all the hoses. I cannot remember ever using the windshield washers in the entire 17-years I have owned the vehicle. Weight reduction.
The sun was about gone. I still had not removed the battery, the overflow tank, or changed the lamps.
So I took the car for a...ahem...quick romp around some very twisty, hilly, damn-near-deserted back-road two-lane highways.
Tomorrow I've gotta change my headlight bulbs and fix my license plate.