Well, I didn't do it to my Classic, I did it for my Classic. Yesterday.
I went down to the RR-crossing on the road in/out of our farm. It was poorly graded by the RR company, and left with a small hump in the middle, on the highway side of the tracks. (RR runs parallel to the highway). My Classic, on Hypercos, would not clear that son-of-a-bitch without scraping. Had to eeeeeeaaaaase it over the tracks...and....."skrrrrrnnnnnch"...once the front wheels dropped over that high middle part of asphalt and down the highway-side slope. Ouch. Fuck that.
Bought a 2-inch wide cold chisel with rubber hand-grip and guard. Grabbed a large hammer (couldn't find my little sledge, dammit), gloves, gel knee pads, and some safety glasses.
Looked at all the scrape marks, most of which were not from my Classic but other vehicles that could not clear either. Backed up and eye-balled the crossing from different angles.
Chiseled on that shit until I had planed-off about 1/2-inch off the high-part where the scrapes were. Maybe a square foot or two of actual "scrape-area" to be removed. Brutal-hard work. Sweatin' like a pig. Fingers tingling, shoulder on fire, arms and face covered with asphalt dust and flying debris.
Took the Classic out last night....eeeeeaaaased it over the RR tracks...and.....
"skrnch" . Just a tiny, little scrape. Barely a scrape at all.
Gonna give my shoulder a break today, and go do a little more massaging on that damn crossing later this week.