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Thread: B13 headlights

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2008-02-01 21:50:46
B13 headlights
Well I bought a new set of glass headlights and turns out they don't fit. Lucky me.

There is a pic comparing the new ones bottom and old ones top.

And a side view.
One side bolts up, the side close to the wheel well but on the grill side the grill nor the bolts like up. Any ideas? Did I get the wrong headlight Ive see other b13 headlights like this but I dont know.

A way to make it fit would be greatly appreciated.
2008-02-01 22:31:29
Top ones (plastic) are 93/94

Bottom ones (glass) are 91/92

Send them back, they won't fit unless you replace the grill, corners, filler, and all the wiring.
2008-02-01 22:39:44
with all that work you may as well buy the tsuru headlights.
2008-02-02 01:06:05
^true....unless your trying to put a sunny grill on a 93 like i am
2008-02-02 04:18:34
Originally Posted by classicaddict
^true....unless your trying to put a sunny grill on a 93 like i am

just finished doing this earlier tonight myself. car is a 93 so i changed out the bumper, trim under grill and lights, headlights(modified to use 93 corners), 9004 bulb harnesses, and fabricated some aluminum brackets to hold the grill(93-94 dosnt have the welded on peice on the rad support that holds the grill)
here is a cell phone pic

and this pic may help you when you are trying to attach your grill. let me know if you have any ?s. i was thinking of doing a writeup if people want.
2008-02-02 18:25:31
I think im going to save up for the tsuru conversion. I've only found it for around $200. Is that a good price??
2008-02-02 18:35:41
Originally Posted by SneakyOwner
I think im going to save up for the tsuru conversion. I've only found it for around $200. Is that a good price??

if you want some cheap imitations that will turn yellowish yeah. If not get the oem ones and pay around $340, im assuming your car is a 91 so youre going to be spending $200 on the headlights, and corner lights. Then you have to buy the bumper fillers separatelly which cost $25 each.

The other bad thing is that you dont get all the wiring harness, bulbs,emblems and bolts to mount everything on if you are interested i have so tsuru kits for sale OEM.


2008-02-06 19:01:18
Including the xbox 360 controller ??
2008-02-07 01:06:22
Can you get the older style grill and headlights without the blue?
2008-02-07 01:30:51
Originally Posted by keith455
Including the xbox 360 controller ??

i was going to say the same thing!

seriously, screw DEPO. there fitment sucks and the beam sucks too. not just the Tsuru's, everyone we used at our bodyshop comes back.
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