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Thread: Any interest? Blox Parallel links...

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2010-02-17 09:34:21
I'd probobly be down for a set plus i'm local so I could proboblypick them up Blox is like 15 min drive from home
2010-02-17 11:11:43
these look dope
2010-02-17 14:12:04
Originally Posted by SoloSol
Blox makes a quality product. Im all for a quality solutions for our cars. If you have support from a manufacturer, Ill get in line to buy a set. Obviously the Honda arms are not adjustable. For anything to be worth buying would need that adjustment.
Also INgalls already makes such part. But it has shortcomings. Rubber bushings being the biggest one. And they aren't exactly lightweight.

If you are handy these can be made for fairly cheap.

I have some of the ingalls...and your right,they are kinda heavy.
I am really liking yours .Are they aluminum?
Thats what I was thinking...just copy them in aluminum.But what about strength?

On topic...I would be interested in these if they are functional also.
2010-02-17 14:17:16
only problem i see with the above is that there is no sway bar mount
2010-02-17 14:58:23
Adjustable length parallel links with spherical bearings are something I've had on the back burner for a long time. Not only would they provide separate toe and camber adjustment and more adjustment than factory, they would eliminate almost all of the bind we experience in the rear suspension. SoloSol has the right idea with his links.

I've been quietly in favor of something like this for a long while. Read on if you want: http://www.sr20-forum.com/suspension/7028-b13-rear-suspension-re-assembly-problem-allignment-all-wrong-broadband-only.html#post107103
2010-02-17 15:04:50
SoloSol, where did you get the spacers to properly position the heim joints? Or did you have them made?
2010-02-17 18:03:54
Just FYI OEM is in the process of making some tubular control arms already. Not that it wouldn't be cool to have BLOX make some too, but just so everyone knows there is a forum vendor who pays money to advertise on here that is already on this.
2010-02-17 18:18:32
I will get a set of these 100 %
2010-02-17 18:51:04
Originally Posted by PWRDbyUNCLEbens
Just FYI OEM is in the process of making some tubular control arms already.
It was not clear at all in the initial post if these were front control arms, or rear parallel links. OEM is planning on making tubular front control arms (as far as I know) and these proposed suspension pieces are rear parallel links (after reading all the posts that's what I've assumed to be true). Two different items. I'm not aware of any public plans that OEM has to make rear parallel links.
2010-02-17 19:09:51
i just want some love for the p chassis (manily the p10, **** that fat whore they call p11)
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