ACT 6 puck unsprung clutches are junk! I had about 10,000 miles on it. Granted, some of them were hard. I was just cruising back to CT doing 65-70 when I heard a grind. Thought it popped out of gear but nope. Only goes in gear when the car is off.

Anyways, my cousin is running a 6 puck he had laying around up to me. I think it might be a JGY or something. Not really too sure of the brand. Should be up and running in no time!
My last Centerforce clutch that came with the car just fell apart like that, one day was fine, never a sign of slipping then all the friction material fell off. Looked like this when it came out:
Replaced with the GregV JWT/B15SE kit, never an issue since despite some pretty hard track and autox use.