Originally Posted by superblackz Pacific NW...only place you see a 1972 Chevy Pickup, left rear of the pic, still running and not rusted to hell.
Car's looking good under that hood
thanks, i've still got some work to do an parts to get.. you know how it goes.. lol cant wait to clean her up an get her runnin smooth an take her for a good drive...
o an im soo jealous of you.. your cars legendary!!
here is some updated pics of my 92 b13, some big numbers to come one the build is done in 2-3 weeks. Stay tuned for a build thread.
ill be posting up some build pics in the thread and pics when the motor is all done and in. Should turn out pretty clean. Car weighs only 2k lbs even right now and got more weight to take out.
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1992 Nissan Sentra SE-R - Fully Built SR20VE, BWS400SX Billet 67mm and much more
JMS Racing tuned to 716whp, 423wtq at 29psi
10.5 @ 149.2mph to date I believe the fastest trap speed SE-R, Much more to come with some changes!