In a nutshell, last Sunday was some of the most fun I've ever had in a car. I love grassroots motorsports! $50 got me a solid hour of seat time - high-speed, road-course style, wheel-to-wheel seat time in multiclass competition! I was in SLS (Street Legal Studded) which runs Hakka7s, and at the same time there were other studded and non-studded Street Legal Classes on course! Speeds upward of 60mph and wheel-to-wheel action on the ice can't be beat! Three heat races of roughly 20 minutes - on the first heat they gridded me in the wrong class, so no results there but it was AMAZING fun! Second heat I managed 2nd place! I would have even won 1st but another driver passed me and a different class car under yellow and didn't get flagged, but still awesome results on my first time out! On the third heat, I was shuffled into the back but managed a respectable 4th while having as much sideways fun as humanly possible! I will definitely be back next year for some more fun on the ice!
I'm also doing some sort of "Solo" Ice Time Trial competition on a lake in my area this coming Sunday!

I'm also doing some sort of "Solo" Ice Time Trial competition on a lake in my area this coming Sunday!