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Thread: UNI Filter

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2008-01-17 15:17:20
UNI Filter
is it safe to run a uni filter on my b13, i have a friend with an 05 GTO and is running a UNI filter on his car and is running great!! i have a cheap autozone cone filter and it sucks i dont trust it... will a uni filter be fine??
2008-01-17 18:49:35
Get a K&N why would you use something made for a dirtbike on your car?
2008-01-17 19:13:54
well they say it cleans way better and offer performance... i just want a better cleaning filter.. i dont really care performance wise... im just daily driving the car, and the autozone cone filter gets really clogged quick... i would put on the stock airbox assembly but i sold that to a friend... so far its the stock rubber intake tube (i bought off ebay)with a cone filter..
2008-01-17 19:47:35
theres another thread that shows some performance of different filters like apexi,hks,blitz,k&n ect
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