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Thread: AEM CAI Installation Instructions

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2007-12-28 18:38:43
AEM CAI Installation Instructions
Hi everyone, does anyone have the installation instructions for the AEM CAI? 'cause I just bought a used one and don't know how to install it right, maybe I have an idea but not sure, if you have it in pdf file, or photo, or whatever please e-mail it to me lutteroth50@hotmail.com it's for a classic se-r

2007-12-28 22:35:25
you might try looking at the members rides section. basically you get the pipe that goes to the tb and twist it so it goes behind the battery and you have to cut out a 3"(?)hole for the other pipe to come up through from the front fenderwell.
2007-12-29 00:42:12
thanks, but I need the instructions to see the component list so I can see if I have everything the CAI comes with... I think one rubber part is missing, because I have only 2, and I think the CAI comes with 3, but don't know which one is missing, the one that goes to the TB, or one of the others that go to the MAF???, I have one straight that is the same color than the CAI, and one black with reduction... one is missing right? wich one? help...
2007-12-29 00:56:20
is this for the highport or lowport? I have the directions for a lowport B13.
2007-12-29 12:33:02
And I have for a highport. Can you post a pic of whatever you have? I can tell you what is what and what you may be missing.
2007-12-29 17:33:22
it's for a highport, on monday I'll post a pic of what I have because I don't have my camera right now, but please send me the directions also, thanks guys.
2007-12-29 18:03:57
do you mean the couplers? there should be three. one to connect the pipe to the tb and the other two to connect to the maf. the filter goes on the end with its own clamp. the reduction coupler is for the tb and the straight ones are for the maf.
2007-12-29 18:16:17
exactly, the couplers, I just have 2, one that is straight in the same color of the CAI and one with a reduction on one side (black), just wanting to know what size or diameter the other coupler needs to be to buy it, I know that the gray coupler (CAI color) goes connected to the CAI part that goes from the TB to the MAF, but I don't know if the one that I have with the reduction goes directly to the TB or from the MAF to the CAI part that goes to the filter element; it fits the CAI part that goes to the filter and to the MAF adapter with a lot of pressure, and does fit the other CAI part that goes to the TB, but it seems to be not very tight, so I guess it's for the CAI segment that goes from the MAF to the filter, but not sure; hope I made my point clear, thanks
2007-12-29 18:49:05
To make my point clearer, the next pic is not of my actual CAI, but it might help, the numbers 1 to 6 is the stuff I have, the 7 is of what i'm not sure which one is to the TB and which one to the MAF I only have 1 of those couplers not sure which one I have, the second pic is my actual CAI, and I'm not sure if it's the same diameter than the pic 1 CAI, because I think mine is older; hope it's clearer to you all, thanks

reference pic:

my CAI in the car of the guy who sold it to me:

I don't need the large hose because my car's EGR has been removed.

The other stuff in pic 1 what is it for??? the plastic or rubber stuff with holes in it???
2007-12-29 20:34:24
the part that you didnt use, it moves the battery up and over alittle
. just gives you some more room for the intake!
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