The point of the brakes is to stop the damned car, not look "sweet as hell". Why nissan didn't put them on the front of the B13 in the first place is a mystery; the nx2k is basically the same car. Be that as it may, your front bias will be MUCH greater with the nx2k pieces on the front and the stock (and same as nx2k) pieces on the rear; nissan changed the bias valves on the mc for the nx2k to send a bit more pressure to the rears to make up for the bigger fronts. The aftermarket rebuild mc's don't include the valves. Greg can find the REAL nx2k mc with the correct proportioning valves, makes a VERY noticeable difference because of greater rear braking, but the fronts still lock first. The other option is to play with larger rear stuff like off a maxima; lots of people have done that but I've never heard anyone who actually races such a setup talk about resulting brake balance. The correct way to do it is to install adjustable proportioning valves, but you have to cut into your system to do that.