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Thread: Lookinf for a tcd

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2013-10-04 18:14:25
Lookinf for a tcd
I am looking for a tcd my nx, the one I have seems to have a messed up timing map.

Rc 1000cc inj @3bar
Gm 3bar map
18g turbo
Stock cams
2013-10-04 19:29:41
I doubt anyones gonna have that.. your best bet is to start off with one of johns sd tunes an dial in the afr an timing yourself.. or bettet yet take it to a tuner
2013-10-04 19:54:40
Lookinf for a tcd
It's worth a shot. Apparently the current tune is from John. Tuner really isn't an option at this point. Cruising afrs are around 11.
2013-10-04 20:05:31
Play with the sd factor
2013-10-05 21:00:44
The timing map you have it "ok" but a little advanced from what I would normally run as a base for your setup.

I emailed you a modified version of what you sent me, with some timing pulled out.
2013-10-05 21:51:35
Originally Posted by ebinkerd
It's worth a shot. Apparently the current tune is from John. Tuner really isn't an option at this point. Cruising afrs are around 11.

thats not good at all sucking down the fuel. maybe something else is up like vac or boost leak
2013-10-05 22:54:51
No kidding. I've been messing with the tune today since I had time off. So far I have gotten the cruising afrs between 13.6-15. Needs some fine tuning. As for the boost range, knock is pulling 2-5 degrees around 6-8 psi. Afr's in boost is between 10.9-11.8 ish. Pulled a few degrees in that range and have to pick up where I left off tomorrow.
2013-10-06 00:25:41
Originally Posted by ebinkerd
No kidding. I've been messing with the tune today since I had time off. So far I have gotten the cruising afrs between 13.6-15. Needs some fine tuning. As for the boost range, knock is pulling 2-5 degrees around 6-8 psi. Afr's in boost is between 10.9-11.8 ish. Pulled a few degrees in that range and have to pick up where I left off tomorrow.

Also, when I was looking at your tune file you need to make sure that none of the lines intersect when you view your fuel map as a 2D graph.

You will see exactly what I mean as soon as you open it up in the graphing window. You want to try to keep it as smooth as you can while still targeting the AFR you are looking for. It will make sure car run much better and more consistent.
2013-10-06 00:51:11
Yeah, I had read in one of your other posts. It's a little tricky keeping them from intersecting.
2013-10-06 01:24:33
So, if the lines intersect in the 2d map, does the value at the intersection interpolate?
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