I'm also curious about K value injector specifics. I have 3 different Calum "VE injector" bins with the same injector scaling and latency but with a different k value. Two of the bins have the same MAF but still a different inj. k value?? If I take Vadim's formula for B14 injector values I get a k value of 232. But the bins I have with the same variables for injector/maf have different K values of 250 and 274?? I don't get it!
Formula for new K Value:
(Old INJ Size / New INJ Size) * Old K Value = New K Value
In this example we take a stock B14 tune and add 333cc injectors to it.
(259cc / 333cc) * 298 Old K Value = 231.78 New K Value
Sorry for the thread jack BTW.
blackb13se-r: I got 24271 as the b13 k value as well. Are you using nistune? I am a noob with tuning for sure, but I remember reading JKTUNING said that the k-value affected more than just injector constants. Vadim said that the K value should be kept as close to the original number as possible for this reason? With Calum ECU's I am learning that you can only change the injector K value to adjust for diferent injector sizes, but with NismoTronic you can adjust in other ways?? How does this apply to Nistune?? This is way beyond my tuning knowledge so just going off of what I've read.