Taking the Panoz not the NX
Well it's time to try out the Panoz. First weekend that I won't be taking the NX. This will be a big learning curve. It's been about 15 years since I drove any GT cars. I have only had 1 test day to work out the bugs, but now it's time to try a race weekend. I looked at my race group and all Porsche 997,996, and 993. I am the lone Panoz.[img][URL=http://s63.photobucket.com/user/talisbell/media/Panoz/GTWC%20Panoz%20Roller/Panoz%20Passenger%201_zpsp6qx2nx2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h132/talisbell/Panoz/GTWC%20Panoz%20Roller/Panoz%20Passenger%201_zpsp6qx2nx2.jpg[/img][/URL][/IMG]
Last edited by rioredstang
on 2016-10-25
at 01-43-43.