I was at one of these races in 1990. Saltillo, Haloween weekend. I was there with World Challenge and we ran the race together with the Pony Series because neither had more than 20 cars. The track at Saltillo is very cool (or was at that time). The Nissans sort of had the Rabbits outgunned as he were full-on tube chassis cars and there were a couple of Sciroccos or Corrados that were tube chassis as well. Then the rest of the Rabbits. Seemed like there were two classes.
The race day dawned with a terrible fog bank and temperatures in the 30's (Farenheit) and the crowd lit fires to stay warm all around the perimeter of the track. The fog and smoke ceiling never got more than about 12 feet off of the ground and it was very eerie to run the race in those conditions.