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Ugh. Spec Miata drivers. I hate them. Most of them have no regard to other cars. I had a close encounter with one at a track event last year.
dude.. not all spec miata drivers are like that..
although, I must say, as a spec miata driver myself, I hate being blackflagged for other red spec miata's (has happened to me 4x already in 2 years)... AND I have NEVER hit another miata (had 3 miata's hit me) and I ALWAYS am very aware of all the flag stations, traffic behind me, etc. I'm not someone who blocks people not in my class and heck, even faster spec miata drivers I give a point by to pass me (I'm just not out for blood I guess).
I love my spec miata but do drive other cars and will be driving a b13 in PTE/ITA once its set up.