I am trying to get involved with Auto-X and Road Racing. I am also looking to buy some version of K-sports. I know everyone recommends Progress because K-sports are crap, blah blah blah. Most of the people that say that also have no personal experience with either coilover. I like the idea of K-sports because they offer a large range of suspension adjustment and tuning at a bargain price, which I consider great for a newbie who wants to learn suspension tuning like me. K-sports offer both the basic version and a Road Race version of their coilovers. I can purchase both for cheaper than the Progress coilovers from the K-sport group buy POC. My buddy told me that the road race version of K-sports are not valved for our cars and that I should go with the basic K-sports. My question is, will that incorrect valving really effect the performance of the suspension? I ask this because you can adjust the damping of the suspension and I would think that would help if not alleviate the effects of improper valving. Is that a correct assumption or would I just be safer with the basic K-sports? If you don’t recommend K-sports for the position I am in please feel free to recommend a different type of coilover setup.