More testing on this, here is a comparison of stock intake box vs a flow-stack WAI setup. Dyno is done via virtual dyno from logs.
Constant Mods: SR20DE RR (110k miles), SSAC 2.0" Header, 3" Catback, NEMU ECU with B13 Base Tune and JDM RR Fuel/Timing maps, UR WP Pulley, Z32 MAF, Shell 93 Gas, BKR6EGP Plugs, 6700 Redline (fuel cut starts at 6500)
Stock Intake box:
BPi Flow Stack and Flow Stack filter (coned in on the end)
As you can see the BPi Flow Stack made the run leaner, I knew the flowstack makes the mixture leaner thus I figured I would try leaning out stock airbox mixture too. I cut the fuel back by almost 50% to get it into the same AFR ranges as the flow stack. Results where disappointing, I didn't gain or loose any power. But this shows that stock tune is way too rich and you can restore some MPG's by tuning it a bit.
Constant Mods: SR20DE RR (110k miles), SSAC 2.0" Header, 3" Catback, NEMU ECU with B13 Base Tune and JDM RR Fuel/Timing maps, UR WP Pulley, Z32 MAF, Shell 93 Gas, BKR6EGP Plugs, 6700 Redline (fuel cut starts at 6500)
Stock Intake box:
BPi Flow Stack and Flow Stack filter (coned in on the end)
As you can see the BPi Flow Stack made the run leaner, I knew the flowstack makes the mixture leaner thus I figured I would try leaning out stock airbox mixture too. I cut the fuel back by almost 50% to get it into the same AFR ranges as the flow stack. Results where disappointing, I didn't gain or loose any power. But this shows that stock tune is way too rich and you can restore some MPG's by tuning it a bit.