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Thread: Clutchnet Clutches= THUMBS WAY DOWN

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2009-01-28 23:54:42
Clutchnet Clutches= THUMBS WAY DOWN
There customer service Sucks. George has no Idea what hes doing. The clutches dont hold. THey fall apart and they ruin your flywheels and everything else.

2009-02-02 02:37:28
dang!!! i was bout to order one! if this is a trend than no way!!!! i need to look into another clutch than. thanks for posting. sorry bout this man.
2009-02-02 05:56:11
COMPETITION clutches are fine an dandy.sprung.. unless your a monster like wangwang an have gigantor turbo.. unsprung will be your choice then...

funny ha ha
what am i typing?...

im so pisted my ACT clutch is dog **** that im typing in wang wangs thread.
2009-02-03 03:55:53

The replacement. Clutch. Its certified and has TWO times the rivets!
2009-02-03 05:15:19
lol get differet pressure plate other then ACT
2009-02-03 19:00:50
ACT is teh ****, I have used 3 clutchnet clutches and never had them last very long maybe 15K, the pedal pressure on the Clutchnets that I have had every time are horrible, I have to put my entire body weight on the damn things.
2009-02-04 05:11:56
ya i dogged my act for three years and still went strong. just thought about a new brand but i guess we'll see. if i'm spending all this money on my setup i dont feel like replacein clutches all the time.
2009-02-04 07:35:13
Originally Posted by HP10T
ACT is teh ****, I have used 3 clutchnet clutches and never had them last very long maybe 15K, the pedal pressure on the Clutchnets that I have had every time are horrible, I have to put my entire body weight on the damn things.

Thats wierd. Im running a clutchnet Pressure plate thats a Red 2x (I orderd it before I realized that they sucked so bad). It supposed to be the most grippy one there is minus the double Diaphram on. Funny thing is that it has the same pedal pressure as my Clutchnet Green pressure plate. Knowing these guys they probably just paint the plate different colors.

Ive driven a car with a ACT Xtreme Presure plate and THAT is a clutch cable killer! Im considering switching to an Xtreme pressure plate when this clutchnet pressure plate fails cause i know it will lol.
2009-04-06 09:56:51
Clutch net cluches huh yeaa I had one of those blow up on me. Never again brothas!!!!
2009-04-06 11:48:18
At the SPEC booth I bit my tongue when I was going to say I blew two of them up. One the splines on the disc just stripped right off.
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