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Thread: 6 Speed Flywheel Adapter with 350Z Clutch

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2014-06-25 04:56:19
With the s15 flywheel you can bolt up the 350z lutch and it all fits dead on. You have to shave an area in the bell but thats all. Sounds sort of the same as this one. Here's a pic of an other forum members set up with the s15 and 350z combo. He's been using the setup since '09 with no issues:

2014-06-25 14:47:42
That looks like a driftworks S15 flywheel and a S14 clutch...
2014-06-30 15:52:24
Its a JWT s15 fly and a ACT 350z clutch.
2014-06-30 16:16:23
Post the video of the car at the track making a pass Matt.
2014-06-30 18:42:24
Good luck scoring one of those JWT flywheels. They gave me the run around over a year ago saying they would have them in a couple months. And guess what? They still don't have any.
2014-07-01 01:40:51
Originally Posted by Dave_SR20
Post the video of the car at the track making a pass Matt.

Don't think I have one. Thing hooked like a beast though. I was hoping someone would have posted one by now of me and Merliss on the first pass of the day.
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