On a separate, but related point, did you guys ever determine the differences, if any, between the B13 and B14 control arms. I was always under the impression that the B14 arm was a tad longer on the part that goes out to the ball joint. If this is the case, I would be concerned about fitment on a B14. I own and plan to use these arms on a B14 and I would want to make sure that the arm is, at the very least, the same length as the stock B14 arm, and certainly not any shorter. What control arm did you use for prototyping?
Again, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions and for even being willing to take on this project in the first place.
He used Kimme's NX for the prototype. When we picked up her car we left my B14 at OEM. Mark is making a set for it within the next week to see if any differences are determined. He is also going to pull the fender and make sure the fender braces he designed for the B13 mount correctly on the B14. Someone mentioned the distance between the hinges may be different. Mark is a very thorough craftsman.