Originally Posted by
Worth it IMHO.
Kimme and I drove down to and back from OEM Wednesday. Drove down in Kimme's (my old) NX. It has Progress coilovers with 350f and 250r springs, Octotat rear triangulated brace, and no front strut tower bracing of any kind. (soon to be remedied). My car has the Progress Dan Gardner setup with 450f and 350r springs, Octotat rear trinangulated brace, OEM front triangulated brace, lower control arm brace, and the fender braces. My car, even with stiffer springs rode significantly smoother on the same route on the way home because the chassis is stiffer.
Ditto these remarks.
My (ultra-braced) B13 chassis rides much, much better than your average B13. I did back-to-back rides at the Savannah Convention with two (2) other Classics, both of which had nearly identical basic suspensions (Hyperco Gen II/AGX). Neither of them had anywhere near my vehicles level of chassis bracing, nor did they have anywhere near my ride quality.
If I did not already own a set, which are already welded-on my car, I would buy a set of these O.E.M. units in a heartbeat.
Suspension Thread updated to include this product/thread. Sorry it took so long.