Originally Posted by
I am so confused here... first off your "designed device" sounds exactly like a crank scrapper which you also link to....
You say you can offer a pan... then in the end just offer what is already available and doesn't address the issue that originally started your offer. Crank scrapers help knock oil down, but it doesn't fix the inherit oil issue with the sr20 that prompted this.
It is very possible to make a better pan setup, but the problem isn't designing it IMO. It is that nobody would pay what it costs to make since it is such a small sub group that would be interested especially with the variations in upper pan to block mounting.
I am not knocking on you for not making and selling the pan... but just get your story straight is all. If you were looking at just growing the pan down to increase capacity you SEVERELY misunderstood the issues people were talking about and the problems with sr20 oiling.
We spoke with Crank-scrapers as mentioned by many members on here and Kevin advised that the options he has are the most effective and efficient. He said making a new pan would not be cost effective due to the many variations like you stated. Plus, we would have to make a deeper pan which in many cases would bottom out over speed bumps, etc.
We have discussed elongating the pickup tube to deepen the pump, but we would have to modify the pan to drop the pump in more.
I apologize for the confusion, hope this helps. If it was me, Id run a Teflon scraper, budge removal, VE pump, straight weight oil.
Anyone looked into these ...
BTW that pan is $589 and that just the pan, no lines, pump, ...
I guess Im trying to find the middle ground as everyone know a dry setup would and could cost $$$$