fixed my power lock assembly FINALLY. the drivers spring assembly had popped apart, making it immpossible to lock the drivers door. dissasembled, drilled pilot hole, insert screw....and boom. FINALLY have power locks that work. yay.
Got some damn good gas mileage this weekend. 492 miles using 14.7 gallons of gas = 33.47 MPG.
That's the best round trip mileage I've ever got in an NX2000. Used regular Chevron gas on the way there and Arco regular on the way back up. 65-70 MPH, 90+ degrees outside, no A/C used, windows down. Car is stock.
This car is in pretty rough shape but it is very reliable.
^^ that pic makes me wanna cry.Poor egg.
Still a blast to drive though!! haha Thats the beauty of the nx.
Take the tops off,and who cares what she looks like.Its all about the feeling you get behind the wheel.
All that and deadnuts reliability to boot.