Until you have one, or if you like washing your car more times than you drive it , like my white kosies k1's I love em but I literally spend more time cleaning them more than I drive them kinda starting to hate them by now but oh well just a thought
What? Do you think maybe the K1s are dirty because of the dust generated by applying the brakes repeatedly?
Yes by the shxt load of brake boosting I do when I'm going for the kill
But your comments about clean wheels are a stark contrast to what i have heard about white cars vs black cars in general. I will say it was much easier maintaining the appearance of clean on the lighter colored cars I have owned vs the dark colored cars.
I currently own a white NX and a black SE-R, paint condition about the same for both of them, with both of them experiencing the same environment (rain and dust-wise) for the majority of the time. In my opinion, black tends to hide the dirt/dust accumulation better than white does. I feel that I can go a little longer not washing the black car than I can with the white one, all things considered. Yes, water/dirt whipping off the wheels looks bad no matter what but, for me, it tends to look worse a lot sooner on my white car.
Just my $0.02.
aka hawaiiaNX