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Thread: Performance chip?

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Posts: 11-20 of 22
2011-11-29 19:23:46
hey Cory why don't you just buy my T28 and then you will have more power than you can handle...

do what ShawnB said and start with full bolt ons
2011-11-29 19:28:12
I/H/E ECU and should be plenty fun.
2011-11-29 19:30:59
not sure what other bolt ons to do..
t28 price? Didnt know you had one.
You still spraying them hondas? lol
2011-11-29 19:37:43
Originally Posted by Deland352
not sure what other bolt ons to do..
t28 price? Didnt know you had one.
You still spraying them hondas? lol

Yes I have a complete T28 and Yes I still have spray and it's Nice!!!!

I showed you everything you need as far as bolt ons,, the only bolt on I don't have is a JWT ECU ,,
2011-11-29 19:41:02
i did headers, exhaust, pop charger...

willing to sell?
2011-11-29 19:49:07
Originally Posted by Deland352
i did headers, exhaust, pop charger...

willing to sell?

you have the smallest header on the planet! you don't have the correct size exhaust as far as performance.. and your pop charger is Not a JWT... so all 3 of your bolt ons is not giving you all you can get out of your SR20...

correct these and you'll see a gain in performance, add whats missing and see more! ...
2011-11-29 20:53:40
The pop charger is stillen. I'll look into jwt. What exhaust should I do. Hks ?
2011-11-29 22:10:29
Originally Posted by Deland352
The pop charger is stillen. I'll look into jwt. What exhaust should I do. Hks ?

I recommend the VRS kit just like the one I have and it's the 2.5 all the way back not the 2.25!
Last edited by Tearoffguy on 2011-11-30 at 04-17-17.
2011-11-30 17:32:43
2.5 all the way back alumized?
2011-11-30 17:36:35
Originally Posted by Deland352
2.5 all the way back alumized?

Yes,, unless you want to get the Stainless but thats a bit more in cost,,
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