I suppose you can get a decent egg for $750, but all of them will have signs of aging like the mentioned things above.
Will it be your DD and you need to drive it or do you want to put time and effort in it first?
I would recommend getting a rust free one, SR20's can have a long life when it get's fresh oil often enough, if the engine suffers sludge chances are it will need rod bearings, which can be replaced easy with the engine in the car and if it needs a new chain or it has other bearing issue, then the engine will have to come out. For this reason I have 2 cars now, because then I can at the end of the day say, I'll try to finish this tomorrow.
For T-tops you would like those in good shape, but you also can consider this a part you can replace, it depends on how easy you can get second hand parts so it is a cost/ effort thing and always try to get the best chassis or weld it back up.
If it has rust at the A pillars best avoid it, even good welders say at some point, I won't repair this, it is not possible to restore the strength there and with an accident the car folds there which probably kills the driver and passenger
Will it be your DD and you need to drive it or do you want to put time and effort in it first?
I would recommend getting a rust free one, SR20's can have a long life when it get's fresh oil often enough, if the engine suffers sludge chances are it will need rod bearings, which can be replaced easy with the engine in the car and if it needs a new chain or it has other bearing issue, then the engine will have to come out. For this reason I have 2 cars now, because then I can at the end of the day say, I'll try to finish this tomorrow.
For T-tops you would like those in good shape, but you also can consider this a part you can replace, it depends on how easy you can get second hand parts so it is a cost/ effort thing and always try to get the best chassis or weld it back up.
If it has rust at the A pillars best avoid it, even good welders say at some point, I won't repair this, it is not possible to restore the strength there and with an accident the car folds there which probably kills the driver and passenger