So last night i gave my girl the NX to bring it back to brooklyn so she told me the car was steaming alot,Now i know why its doing that the hose keeps poping off so i pulled the hood and i was right but she drove the car for about 3 miles like this i was not pissed at her so i said no problem il check it out tomorrow. So today i got some coolant put in it then when i was done i looked on the floor next to the car

i said to my self (i didnt spill any coolant) so i took a good look around to see where its coming from found it

water pump!!! Jeez when its not one thing its another,All if these problems stem form me not changing my mounts causing the motor jerk alot.And to ad insult to injury my Z32's has a bad injector or coil pack causing the car to shake like its at a disco

But il keep my chin up and keep on truckin no time to be a sore looser