OMG two days ago i popped of the radiator upper hose then put it back on then it started leaking where the clamp holds (At the radiator side) spewing coolant making my belts squel and making this annoying steam when im in traffic (nothing new cause my thermostat needs to be changed got that from the dealer too) then i was at a mall today so i said il just change the hose no problem right?? Wrong i put the hose on the wrong way so i was trying to pull it off then guess what ?? I pulled on it off then it popped and the momentum made me jerk back then i looked after i caught my balance OMG
i broke the nipple that goes to the water bottle.then it was giving my alternator a coolant bath had my battery light on in the car im in traffic the smoke will not stop!!! got home picked the hood up it looks like i busted a hose with amount coolant on my alternator jeez gime a break!!! what next?? and stuff like this only happen when i got a crap load of bills to pay
Do you think i need a new radiator?? what glue will fix this?? The alternator still works but when its dry