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Thread: My nx2000 killed by a drunk driver.

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2010-08-13 10:46:30
My nx2000 killed by a drunk driver.

like that? i went up the curb.. hit a car and a that van in the background. shit happens...

moooaaar pics


at the spot

now at the compound

2010-08-13 11:31:18
So sorry to hear.... keep us posted
2010-08-13 12:59:18
That sucks big time, atleast your ok.
2010-08-13 14:10:28
damn sremo - you just got bad luck with cars man! Now you got TWO extra engines to put into a vehicle - by the way, *vulture alert* are you planning on buying it back and parting it out? I gots a bunch o stuff I need for mine.
let me know man, sorry to hear about your loss.
2010-08-13 14:25:01
Man that sucks. Especially when someone shouldn't have been driving in the 1st place.
2010-08-15 13:51:07
Dude you're lucky to be alive! Our cars are so damn unsafe its rediciulous. Hell half the time i'll be driving and my set belt just pops loose or the seat slides back.
2010-08-15 15:08:50
Originally Posted by Clessy
Dude you're lucky to be alive! Our cars are so damn unsafe its rediciulous. Hell half the time i'll be driving and my set belt just pops loose or the seat slides back.
Dont say OUR cars, say yours lol. Ive never had either of those happen in my NX ever. Ive also ran into a tree so hard that I cracked the tree in half with my first NX...and were not talking a lil tree either. I walked away with just a seat belt bruise and a totaled NX! The only thing these cars really dont have is door impact support.
2010-08-15 16:11:41
Originally Posted by Clessy
Dude you're lucky to be alive! Our cars are so damn unsafe its rediciulous. Hell half the time i'll be driving and my set belt just pops loose or the seat slides back.

Seatbelt just popping loose and your seat sliding around?

Neither of those is normal.

1) Replace the portion of the seat-belt that is the locking mechanism/clasp part. It is not functioning correctly.

2) Fix or replace your seat bracket and sliding mechanism so that it works properly.
2010-08-15 19:00:54
Originally Posted by Clessy
Dude you're lucky to be alive! Our cars are so damn unsafe its rediciulous. Hell half the time i'll be driving and my set belt just pops loose or the seat slides back.

I beg to differ. B13 chassis can take a lick and keep on ticking...Unlike Honda..
2010-08-15 19:38:57
Originally Posted by Pretty
I beg to differ. B13 chassis can take a lick and keep on ticking...Unlike Honda..

I am with this man.

B13s are tuff little suckers. I have seen many a crashed B13 and they do very well. My friend flipped a T top NX2000 and the car took care of him. The windshield came down a bit but the t part held firm.
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