How high is the temp gauge going up? I agree with Shawn that you shouldnt use a band aid to cover something potentially serious.
Ive been out of the N/B series nissan's for a while so I havent heard of the Sila but sounds like some ChiCom crap. Also stay away from Mishimoto, they are chinese crap. Koyo would be the only thing I would think of replacing a OEM system.
If you worried about heat extraction the car gets sufficient flow thru lower grill into the radiator and underneath the car. If wanted more you could do the old school trick of lifting the rear of the hood just a tad.
Anything over 90 degrees on the highway it pegs 250 on the guage and the factory guage is up there. I have a MS Design bumper cover but the airflow is the same. Trust me with the headers under there it is an inferno. I opened the hood a few days ago and a friend was like DAYUUUM! LOL.
I need more cooling, I am going to try Thermo-Tec header jackets to see if that helps with heat control. It is like stale are not circulating at certain temps.
I have had a Modine, CSF (Pure leaking crap) and this Silla. The Silla actually pegs a lot faster than the prior, but the sme sympton none the less...