Originally Posted by ashtonsser
lol, well that was the most professional/nices post in this thread to date. Leave it to Matt. hahaha
lol, well that was the most professional/nices post in this thread to date. Leave it to Matt. hahaha
Sh*t, and here I was thinking you would nominate my lovely posts as the nicest and most professional.
Originally Posted by jamanrr
Miko, you do not have to justify it to me.
Miko, you do not have to justify it to me.
Yet he had to justify and prove every single other one of his statements after you basically called him a liar?
You change your mind, attitude and your tune constantly.
Originally Posted by jamanrr
I just got upset at this thread trashing this car well because I am the new owner. It was immaturity I guess that compelled me to join because I would not have otherwise and probably would have been happy with it as is.
I just got upset at this thread trashing this car well because I am the new owner. It was immaturity I guess that compelled me to join because I would not have otherwise and probably would have been happy with it as is.
Immaturity? Funny, some folks accuse me of that same attribute. Strange I know.
I am not sure about my maturity level (or lack thereof), but some of my behaviors and language when I am activated (upset) are indeed rather savage from any reasonably sane and civilized human beings perspective. Including my verbal but very real threats towards you earlier.
To be sure, I am outrageously protective of those around me. IF you stick around, you will eventually know for a fact that Miko is no liar and, good or bad, I am exactly as I appear and present myself. On-line, real life, same exact guy. Plenty of folks on here have met me face-to-face.
Finally, folks will tell you that I am very touchy, got a zero-trigger fuse, about any sort of bigotry or prejudice. Perceived, intentional, or accidental, I am a poor and highly-biased judge. We have Forum Rules in place to that effect, no bigotry or prejudice based on skin-color, ethnicity, country of origin, religious affiliation or sexuality. That feeling is community-wide, but I am admittedly (not to mention justifiably and righteously) blindingly quick to lose my temper completely and escalate the aggression (on-line or in person) over such remarks. And you sir, unwittingly struck a serious and very personal nerve with your "boyfriend" insult.
To you it was perhaps a "casual insult" and response in the heat of the moment. It is in fact metaphorical hate-speech. Aimed at exactly the wrong guy for that particular form of insult. You got better odds of getting struck by lightening. And a lightening strike may be a pleasant experience compared to some things I have done to folks over the years.
I will not hold this against you, I'm not a grudge-guy unless someone is actually a no-kidding ignorant bigot. With a calmer mind, I can see your situation and understand to some degree your resultant posts. Please get this straight, call me anything you want, curse my very existence, as long as it is a universally offensive and an unbiased or bigoted insult.
If I held a grudge against everyone on this forum that I have vehemently argued with or berated, I'd have no friends whatsoever.
No further hostilities on my end, the Mods have spoken, and I'll back off completely as long as that agrees with you and is respectfully reciprocated.
Shawn B