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Thread: Airbag light

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2010-05-10 07:51:26
Airbag light
So awhile back when turning right the wheel bound and the clock spring snapped. The right turn signal won't return after a turn and the airbag light started flashing.

Yesterday I replaced the clock spring with a used unit in good condition. Still flashing. Reset ECU still flashing. turn signal auto returns fine so i think the clock spring was fine. Anything else I need to do to reset airbag?
2010-05-10 22:29:33
pull the bulb
2010-05-10 23:58:21
there is a way to reset it...like open the door,turn the key on and push the domelight button 7-10 times quickly.
There is a post on the other forum somewhere,if you search
2010-05-11 23:21:10
try this it help my buddys nx2k

How Do I Reset Air Bag warning light? - G20.net - Forums
2010-05-12 00:13:23
found the process of the old forum. I never go over there anymore. Completely forget it's there.
2010-05-13 17:19:09
yeah scotty told me what to do a while back when my air light bag was flashing
2010-05-14 20:20:41
Done it a few times and light has slowed but not stopped. Guess I just need to keep doing it.
2011-12-24 16:13:41
Worked in four cars now awesome thread!
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