to many options
okay i have 2 nx2000's one is a 92 auto with all power options the other is a 92 5sp and manual everything. I plan on building my 5speed of course but not sure where to start. motor obviously. i have a spare sr20de out of one. now reading all these post everywhere idk where to go. i want a everyday driver if i want but a show off when i want. now the sr20det out of the gti-r sound great but i want to use a 6sp tranny and well not the stock turbo either. now can i just use a de block or the gti-r block? was told the gti-r block was stronger. but now that vvl sounds great as well . could i do a vvl head on a det block? so many options. but as well if i took the blocks and started them from scratch would it even matter what block i used? yes i know the new guy has a lot to learn lol.. my buddy has been building his for 7 years now and well after driving his before he started his build ive been hooked and now i have my own. sorry guys just looking for a direction here.