So I am hoping it is not injectors...
1 and 2 fire 3 and 4 do not
Alternator went out and car died on the side of the road.
Replaced and fired it up and have a bad miss fire
Cleaned maf
replaced cap and rotor
cleaned tb
reset ecu
Cleaned grounds
tried another set of spark plug wires
Dumped some seafoam in the tank and let it rough idle 30 mins
Still missing on 3 and 4
3 and 4 are sparking ut no fire.
I am thiinking injectors but what's the chance alty dies and 2 injectors lock at the same time?
1 and 2 fire 3 and 4 do not
Alternator went out and car died on the side of the road.
Replaced and fired it up and have a bad miss fire
Cleaned maf
replaced cap and rotor
cleaned tb
reset ecu
Cleaned grounds
tried another set of spark plug wires
Dumped some seafoam in the tank and let it rough idle 30 mins
Still missing on 3 and 4
3 and 4 are sparking ut no fire.
I am thiinking injectors but what's the chance alty dies and 2 injectors lock at the same time?