SO Tues night I am getting on the interstate and my clutch goes. I pull the car to the shoulder (on the left) and Make sure it is well off the road. It was well Clear of the line and even well clear of the rumble strip. It is on the southbound heading out nahville-brentwood-franklin area on a 4 lane section where it will not be busy until 4pm the next day. Lock it and my boss picks me up in his hummer(which also clears the line without issue) and I go home pass out. The car was left at 10:30pm Next morning I get my receiver and ball put it on my jeep and head to Franklin to get a tow dolly to get my car. Pull to the spot where it was left a 8am less than 12hrs later. Car is gone. Start calling the 3 different agencies that possibly have jurisdiction over the spot to see if it was towed. They all say no. After 2 hrs of screwing with them and getting the run around THP(TN Highway patrol) tells me an officer had it towed for being a safety hazard since it was parked on the line BULL F!@KING SH!T!!!! SO 2 days latter and $200 in towing costs Plus another at least 50 for a tow dolly to get it to wherever I can work on it BECAUSE an officer saw a lowered 2 door Nissan with an exhaust and subs in the back and decided to have it towed. That is the only reason why it would have been towed so fast. There is a mini-van not 1 mile further down the interstate that has been sitting there for 4 days. The tow guy that delivered the car to me even said it was an incredibly fast grab by them.
Also got a summons to jury duty today....just awesome.
So what clutch should I g with? Rock auto kit or AutoZone lifetime warranty kit?
Cash is very tight atm and I am not doing anything crazy with the car.
Also got a summons to jury duty today....just awesome.
So what clutch should I g with? Rock auto kit or AutoZone lifetime warranty kit?
Cash is very tight atm and I am not doing anything crazy with the car.