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Thread: Isses - need advice.

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2009-10-14 20:09:59
if it fits something stock, sure thats one thing. his car is hacked, making the exhaust not fit. its not your fault, and its the buyers as it was advertised that it fits stock. end of story. he will have to eat it as its his own fault.

its like going to the store and buying a shirt. we have sizes. if it fits you when you are 160lbs, and then 3 months later you gain 20 lbs and the shirt doesnt fit, can you return it? no, that's ridiculous. i deal with this all day. people get mad at first and then realize i cant take something back.

end of story, he got what was advertised, and modified the product to try and fit. the product is then 'damaged' or changed from it left your hands and it now his.

OT: you dont seem to run into good buyers lately have you? theres a couple of these threads around. i must have been a buyer/seller from god or something.
2009-10-14 20:25:58
Tell me about it - the two issues I've had have been
1) a guy who thought he somehow had 'dibs' and when I sold the item to you, he was in a huff about it like a little baby girl
2) this guy who, to his credit, was a heck of a nice guy, but just didnt wait for the correct info - I offered him what I knew, along with a reference to a reputible source, but it ultimatly was his decision to take the risk of the muffler.

ugh...this is stupid. I dont have time for this crap - it's just frustrating to do business when someone makes a bad decision and blames it on you.
2009-10-14 20:46:02
i'd ask him for permission to post his PM's (if that's even legal) and then let him watch as people post their opinions on his fault..

you might even try a completely unbiased forum that you can both agree upon in advance, like say... a Cobalt SS forum or something..

see what they think... with both of your PM's posted and both registering on the forum.. maybe that's too much effort.. ****.. just give the dude his money back, let him post positive feedback for you and then give him negative feedback. LoL
2009-10-14 20:49:16
The item is in hawaii - I'm in canada. For $92 each way, there's no way I'm refunding just on a whim, I'd lose the value amount of the item in shipping alone.
2009-10-14 21:15:59
My thoughts:

1: I don't think they made the HKS "Hi-power" system for a B13 Sentra or NX. I believe we only got the generic HKS - that is all I remember seeing back in the day.

2: The picture at the very top doesn't look anything like a B13 rear exhaust section. If you look at the hangars, both are on 1 side. This might be from an Eclipse or something similar. And I wouldn't be surprised if this was supposed to be one of the exhausts that hang "crooked" - the style that you see on the rear of Supras pretty often.

Your add did say this fit B13, so it could get a little sticky. If you said, it "should" fit then it might be a little easier. I would honestly say to figure something out with the buyer and settle it - if he wants it to fit, then an exhaust shop should be able to make it fit. A little give and take to make everyone happier.

2009-10-14 21:43:29
my ad said it bolts to stock piping - he doesn't have stock piping anywhere, just the exhaust he bought from the forum that was incorrect for his car. so wheter it fits a nx or not is no longer relevant because even if it did, he doesn't have the stock piping to fit it up to in order to prove it doesn't fit what I stated it does.
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