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Thread: Can you see what is different?

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2009-08-18 23:43:56
Can you see what is different?

2009-08-18 23:45:39
Lower radiator hose goes weird places?
2009-08-19 00:00:10
yep guess that is the obvious.

I'm fittin a bigger dual core radiator in the NX. It covers the whole opening, squezes in beween the head lamp adjusting screws. Core is 29"x15"x1.125". Mounting and hoses where easy but not out of the woods yet though still have to mount the cross member as the radiator might sit a little lower EEK!
2009-08-19 00:54:40


2009-08-19 02:42:50
my first clue was the rad cap in the middle vs the right side......
2009-08-19 20:02:41
I see an upper rad hose that's not clamped properly
2009-08-19 20:08:46
You seem to have gotten rid of emission stuff and your clutch cable

Nice and clean under your bonnet.
2009-08-19 20:17:01
used feminine products in your turbo
2009-08-19 20:43:40
also your missing all the bolts on the VC....
2009-08-19 21:05:44
exhaust header isnt bolted on...dizzy either
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