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Thread: Is the Haynes 82-94 Sentra manual useful for NXs?

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2008-01-16 01:44:43
Is the Haynes 82-94 Sentra manual useful for NXs?

Nissan FSMs are very informative, but sometimes can be lacking in step-by-step procedures with photos, so I was thinking of picking up the Haynes for a little supplemental information (I already have the FSM).

Any NX owners use the Sentra Haynes manual?
2008-01-16 01:58:29
pffff....It is less helpful than the FSM
2008-01-16 16:14:16
To an extent. If you are a technician by trade yes I guess. If you are a backyard mechanic it is the FSM 4TW.
2008-01-20 11:16:22
I find the haynes to be very confusing I had diferent cars kept buying it and most of my problems could not be addressed properly due to the fact that it does not focus on 1 particular model.
2008-01-20 18:01:11
I had one and it was ok. They are pretty cheap though. As far as insight for NXs... I dunno .
2008-01-20 20:00:30
Why get the Haynes service manual when you got SR-20forum.com????
2008-01-21 02:30:05
Originally Posted by BROOKLYN
Why get the Haynes service manual when you got SR-20forum.com????

2008-01-21 02:37:05
Originally Posted by BROOKLYN
Why get the Haynes service manual when you got SR-20forum.com????

Originally Posted by eggman


I have learned more about my Nx on the forum than anywhere else,,
2008-01-21 03:40:46
Originally Posted by BROOKLYN
I find the haynes to be very confusing I had diferent cars kept buying it and most of my problems could not be addressed properly due to the fact that it does not focus on 1 particular model.

I find this very true. I have one and very rarely reference it. I have an online fsm or check the forum for something.

spend your 20 bucks on beer instead.
2008-01-21 19:55:39
Originally Posted by NX-DET
I find this very true. I have one and very rarely reference it. I have an online fsm or check the forum for something.

spend your 20 bucks on beer instead.

how do you get the online FSM??...I have seemed to have the taste for SAM ADAMS these days when i go out.
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