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Thread: Progress on the Swap

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2008-01-12 06:46:45
Progress on the Swap
Here are a few pics of my progress for today..

Got the engine out the rest of the way... Damn axle fell right out after getting the axle nut off..(thanks to all who led me in the right way there).

some convincing with a 4-wheeler

Our fabulous hoist system..

if it works it works..

Can't get these bolts out..

Got the tranny off and decided to clean it up a bit..(frustrated with the flywheel bolts).

And gotta have a pic inside the bare engine bay..

i also got the under drive pulleys off tonight and the alternator.. also the header and a few odd things..
gonna keep er updated here..

gotta love swaps.. it's my first one and i'm already lovin it..
2008-01-12 10:01:41
Good luck bro i got me tranny and can even get the bell housing off even though all the bolts are out of it
2008-01-12 16:45:14
looks like your having some fun out there.. but your missing something....AINT NOBODY ELSE WITH YOU!! it aint fun when your the only one there f u c king around
2008-01-12 18:29:36
my brother is in the first pic.. that's not me up there.. i'm in the engine bay..
2008-01-13 01:10:29
twins? looks the same to me

different shirt and hat
2008-01-13 01:36:21
i know right yall do look the same
2008-01-13 03:23:16
not twins sorry different "beards" haha

oh and i still can't get the flywheel bolts out.. tried with a impact but their still not budging.. bastards..
2008-01-14 01:56:47
I'd try going old school; just use an impact socket, a breaker bar and a long pipe. Also have your friend hold the motor so it doesn't move around. Sometimes it's the only way, and some break-loose because it works wonders.
2008-01-15 04:36:43
Tighten them a bit, then loosen them.
2008-02-02 05:48:39
Originally Posted by Kickin_Wing
Tighten them a bit, then loosen them.

^^^With a breaker bar
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