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2009-06-04 13:37:36
2009-06-04 13:47:36
Holy ****. How much did all this cost?
2009-06-04 14:01:16
sso this is a paint effect??? who did it??? process ???
2009-06-04 14:06:21
Woohoo so excited,I went over and picked up the stuff last night!!!

Originally Posted by Pretty
Holy ****. How much did all this cost?

You dont want to know
Lets just say,I got a good deal.The price adds up fast though....especiallty on the large parts.

If you want some pieces done,its 40 per square foot.
You will have to supply the core part,and pay shipping both ways.
Tearoffguy will do the rest.

We should have all this stuff on the car by Monday and pics of it all installed.
2009-06-04 14:10:54
Originally Posted by enohand
sso this is a paint effect??? who did it??? process ???

Yes is paint,A friend of tearoffguy did it...PM him if would like some peices done.
Process is a secret
2009-06-04 14:25:59
2009-06-04 17:36:29
So I'm just gunna put a link to this in the ricer spotted thread. That cool?
2009-06-04 22:32:45
Yeah, I like this. Depending how far someone wants to go with it, you have from mild to wild to make your ride stand out. I see a few pieces that would match well with my CF hood. Gotta keep it mild though. Eggman, looking forward to the assembled product.
2009-06-04 22:48:36
Originally Posted by blusteelsr20
Yeah, I like this. Depending how far someone wants to go with it, you have from mild to wild to make your ride stand out. I see a few pieces that would match well with my CF hood. Gotta keep it mild though. Eggman, looking forward to the assembled product.

yes sir thats the idea,,, if you only want a few pieces done then thats great,, I only did my wiper arms and side trim by the quarter window,

we just ended up doing alot more than planned.. but we tried to do just about everything that could be wanted.. that way we could say ,,,, yes it was worth it,, lol,,

we are putting another group together to be done ,, but a whole different look (secret)(no, really just undecided)lol
2009-06-07 03:15:43
I'm really feeling this. It's going to look super pimp in the car...hurry with the pics already
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